Stationary Tool Dust Cover - Tool Tip


Tool Skool Tool Tip

Stationary Tool Dust Cover - Tool Tip

Here's another in my line of "green" tips. If you've ever purchased a large tool like a miter saw or radial arm saw, they most often come packaged inside a plastic bag, nested in more packaging, and finally in a cardboard box. I used to throw away all the packaging, but then I realized that the plastic made a perfect dust cover, especially if the tool was going to sit idle for long periods of time.

Since my radial arm saw was due to sit around for quite awhile, I decided that it should be something more than a dust collector. Unfortunately, I had already thrown the packaging away - many years ago, in fact.


Not to worry, as a compressor I recently received was entombed in a plastic bag almost large enough to do the job. To make it work, I just cut a slit up one side and placed the opening to the rear of the tool.


To finish the job, a small piece of camo-flavored duct tape secured the overlapped corners at the back. It comes off easily and allows the tool to be ready rock at a moment's notice.

Moral of the story: Don't throw away those large plastic dust covers! .