Quick Pick - CobZorb from the 2011 National Hardware Show

While walking the aisles of the National Hardware Show, you see all kinds of products.  Some good, some not so good, but usually it's the products that provide a simple solution to a problem that do well when introduced to the retail market.  CobZorb is a product that's been displayed at the show for a few years now.  CobZorb is a family of products made from corn bi-products.  According to the manufacturer it's all natural and it's Eco-friendly.In years past, we've seen the version that you add to paints to make paint disposal easy, and the version you add to cooking oil to dispose of it in the trash instead of down your garbage disposal.  But, this year they have packaged a version that is designed to be used in more commercial or industrial situations.  For those of you out there that like to keep your garage or workshop tidy, the idea would be for cleanup of oil-based spills.  Since it's purpose it to absorb oil, you would pour it over the spill, leave it there until it absorbs it and then sweep it up and dispose of it.  According to the guys at the booth, the floor is REALLY clean after you use it, so no stain, no nothing.I hope to be able to try it in the next few weeks and I'll get back to you and let you know my results.  I'm not sure when the All Purpose bag will show up in the retail market, but in the meantime, you can check out the other Paint Disposal and the Cooking Oil Disposal..