Bosch Colt Palm Router Plunge Base -PR20EVSK - First Look


Bosch Media Event

Bosch Colt Palm Router Plunge Base - First Look


I've been a big fan of "trim routers" for many years. Funny, I think I used it to trim laminate about 4 times. The rest of the time, it was a great woodworking tool for adding profiles and cutting small grooves. I always thought it should be re-named.

Colt Palm Router

Apparently, Jim Stevens, the Woodworking Tools Product Manager at Bosch, thought the same thing. The team decided a while back to re-dub their trim tool, The Colt Palm Router (PR20EVSK). It's a definite winner and it just got even better, because this year, Bosch is introducing a plunge base (available in October) for the Colt! It's a 2-handled base with a nice plunge action.

Take a look at the video below and get the lowdown, plus keep a sharp eye out for our pal Rob Robillard - - he's one of the best carpenters we know and his opinion counts a LOT! You'll see what he thinks of the improved tool at the end of the video.

Bosch Colt Palm Router Plunge Base - First Look


Check price/purchase the Bosch Colt Palm Router PR20EVSK on CLICK HERE

Check price/purchase the Plunge Base or the kit from Amazon: CLICK HERE

For more information on this and other Bosch tools: CLICK HERE