5 Reasons Why You Should Join Craftsman Club
And sign up to win a MAKEcation!
Note from the Editor: This particular post is sponsored by Sears, however all the views within the post are those of the author. Information on Craftsman Club and the Craftsman MAKEcation Giveaway has been provided by representatives of Sears and Craftsman. CLICK HERE for your chance to win.
1) Craftsman's History
Y’all know that we’re very lucky to get to attend media events where we see the latest and greatest in tools. Craftsman has not done one of these in the last few years, so to be completely transparent, we had not really kept up with the latest in the Craftsman lineup. I think that most people know that Craftsman has been around a long time, 87 years in fact. Most everyone probably owns a Craftsman hand tools or two and knows about their long-standing relationship with DIYers who use those tools at home, as well as Pros in the Automotive Industry. But Craftsman offers so much more than just hand tools.
2) The Craftsman Lineup of Tools
In addition to some Craftsman wrenches and socket sets, Tool Skool has several Craftsman Power tools in the arsenal and we use them often. I took a walk around a Sears Store, and that walk offered proof that Craftsman has remained a well-rounded company, offering a full power tool lineup, as well as a wide variety of lawn and garden tools, and tool storage. Not to mention the walls and walls of accessories.
3) Craftsman Commitment to Information for the Consumer
One thing that stuck out was the signage throughout the store. These charts were designed to cut through the muddle of which tool would be the best selection for the job at hand. That’s good information for someone just getting started as a DIYer, or someone stepping out in to another area of expertise. You can find a lot more of this type of information by joining the Craftsman Club.
In addition to the informational signs, there were signs throughout the Craftsman area that looked like this:
4) The Craftsman Club is a Members-Only Community for Makers and DIYers
Think Pinterest for DIYers and Makers on steroids. It’s a place that you can join to show off your projects via pictures and descriptions (even step-by-step if you want) or go to get inspiration for projects, all revolving around the Craftsman brand. If you get stuck on a project, post your problem, and there’s most likely someone there who will jump in and give you suggestions. In addition to posting your Craftsman project, Craftsman Club Members also get access to offers and deals that are “members only”.
5) It's FREE to Join
Tool Skool recently posted a few pictures from an office makeover that we worked on in the studio where Brad is the Facilities Manager. You can see our newly started feed by CLICKING HERE. We're about to organize a new shop and I think that posting pictures along the way will generate great ideas that we can use. I know that once we move my favorite Craftsman shop stools from our storage facility to the new shop that we'll be posting some pics of them in their new home! We want to see your projects too, so join today and start posting them.
Craftsman wants you to be a MAKER
And they are willing to give away a MAKEcation to prove it. What is a MAKEcation you ask, well we’ll tell you. In 2014, Craftsman focused on the creators of the world, from any background or walk of life, including woodworkers, auto techs, blacksmiths, and even musicians. This year, they want to include the DIYer in the experience. From September 24th – 27th of this year, in Brooklyn, winners will come together with top makers from all around the country to sharpen the skills that they already have and try their hand at new ones. The winners will work side by side with tool experts, artists, mechanics, and other pro makers to share skills and trade war stories in woodworking, auto repair, and DIY projects. This all takes place at the World Maker Faire, which is the premier exhibition to learn new skills, see the latest in creativity, and broaden your knowledge.
Between now and July 31, 2015, YOU can enter for YOUR chance to win a trip to the Craftsman MAKEcation and the World Maker Faire, where there will be classes and hands-on opportunities galore! You must be a member of the Craftsman Club and you must CLICK HERE to enter. Good luck!